DelhiDesk A young man named Vikas was killed by his brother-in-law Pankaj Rana in Nangloi, Delhi on Friday afternoon. The accused had taken Vikas out on the pretext of taking goods. Family members of both parties denied any dispute between them. The police have registered a case of murder against the accused and are currently searching for him. Vikas was originally from Bihar and lived with his family in Khubram Park near Nangloi railway station. He made videos of songs on YouTube. The father of the deceased accused his son-in-law of killing his son and reported the incident to the police. The younger son discovered Vikas’s body in a bloody condition in a park after he failed to return home.

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👉 Main points:

– A young man was killed by his brother-in-law in Nangloi, Delhi.
– The accused took the victim with him on the pretext of taking goods and slit his throat with a knife.
– The family members of the accused and the victim denied any dispute between them.
– The police have registered a case of murder and are looking for the accused.
– The victim, Vikas, was originally from Bihar and used to make videos of songs on YouTube.
– The father of the deceased accused his son-in-law, Pankaj Rana, of killing his son.
– Pankaj had taken Vikas from home on the pretext of taking some things, and when he did not return, his younger son found his dead body in a park.
– The incident took place on Friday afternoon, and the police received information about it around 1.30 pm.