DelhiDesk One laborer was killed and another was injured after a wall collapsed on them at an under-construction house in Sitaram Bazar, Chandni Mahal, central Delhi. The deceased has been identified as Dilip Yadav, a resident of Bihar. The injured laborer, Chittan Mandal, is undergoing treatment in the hospital. The Chandni Mahal police station has registered a case against the landlord and the contractor doing the construction work. The police investigation revealed that the old house was demolished, and a new house was being built at the site. While breaking a wall at around 1.40 am, it fell on the laborers and both were buried under its debris.

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👉 Two laborers got buried under the wall of a house under construction in Sitaram Bazar, Chandni Mahal, central Delhi.

👉 One laborer was declared brought dead, identified as Dilip Yadav (45), a resident of Bihar.

👉 Another laborer Chittan Mandal is undergoing treatment in the hospital.

👉 The Chandni Mahal police station has started investigation by registering a case against the landlord and the contractor doing the construction work.

👉 Central District Deputy Commissioner of Police Sanjay Kumar Sen said that the police had received information about the death of a laborer from LNJP Hospital.

👉 During investigation, the police came to know that 70 yards house at 2268, Gali Shankar, Sitaram Bazar was being vandalized for a long time.

👉 After demolishing the old house, a new house was to be built there.

👉 While breaking a wall at around 1.40 am, it fell on the laborers and both were buried under its debris.

👉 The police sent Dilip Yadav’s body to the mortuary for postmortem and later informed his family in Bihar.

👉 The post-mortem of the dead body will be done after his arrival in Delhi.