Vande Bharat sleeper train, set to be unveiled in early 2024, will be a game-changer for Indian Railways, according to ICF GM BG Mallya. The Vande Bharat trains have become known for their world-class travel experience, and the focus is now shifting to the sleeper variants to replace the Rajdhani Express trains. The first prototype of the Vande Bharat sleeper, with its stunning interiors, is being manufactured by BEML in collaboration with ICF. Here are the key details:

Vande Bharat Sleeper Trains to Have the “Wow” Factor

  • The interiors of the Vande Bharat sleeper trains will be of a caliber never seen before in India.
  • Passengers will experience a “wow” factor upon entering the coach.
  • The new train will have excellent ambience and passenger-friendly features.
  • Features include air-conditioning, automatic doors, intercommunication doors, and vacuum toilets.
  • The ambience will be enhanced with soft lighting and a passenger-friendly ladder for upper berths.

Impressive Design and Features

  • The Vande Bharat sleeper train will be self-propelled and capable of reaching speeds of 160 kmph.
  • It will consist of 16 coaches, including 11 AC-3 tier coaches, 4 AC 2 tier coaches, and 1 first-class air-conditioned coach.
  • BEML is manufacturing 10 Vande Bharat sleeper trains in collaboration with ICF.
  • The design process is a joint effort between ICF and BEML, with ICF supplying the propulsion and BEML assembling the train.

Future Projects

  • Additional Vande Bharat sleeper projects are in the pipeline.
  • A Titagarh-BHEL consortium will manufacture 80 trains at ICF in the coming years.
  • A RVNL-TMH consortium has been awarded a contract for 120 sleeper Vande Bharat trains.

The Vande Bharat sleeper train is expected to revolutionize train travel in India with its luxurious and modern features. It will provide passengers with a world-class experience and set a new standard for Indian Railways. The unveiling of the first prototype in early 2024 will be eagerly anticipated by travelers across the country.

Watch the video interview above to learn more about the Vande Bharat sleeper train and other major railway rolling stock projects, such as Vande Metro and the new push-pull train with upgraded second-class coaches.

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