DelhiDesk The Uttarakhand government will issue a unique number for all government land in an effort to prevent encroachment. Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has instructed the Home Department to conduct a verification campaign for outsiders working in Uttarakhand and to take strict action against officials who neglect the drive. He has also ordered the preparation of a blueprint for those who come from outside and buy new land in Uttarakhand. All government land will have a separate unique number, and departments will prepare a register of their government property with its digital inventory. Government land will not be allowed to be captured under the guise of religion.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– Uttarakhand government to issue unique numbers for government land
– Chief Minister orders verification of outsiders at religious places
– Strict action to be taken against officials negligent in verification drive
– Blueprint to be prepared for those buying new land in Uttarakhand
– Government will not tolerate encroachment on government land
– Action to be taken against officers responsible for illegal encroachments
– Verification campaign to be conducted for outsiders working in Uttarakhand
– Fake certificates cannot be made for any person
– Separate unique number for all government land to be implemented
– Register of government property to be prepared with digital inventory
– Government land not to be allowed to be captured under guise of religion
– Strict legal action against anyone found doing so
– Campaign against encroachment on government land
– Story first published on May 28, 2023, 9:50 am [IST]

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