DelhiDesk The Uttarakhand Chief Minister, Pushkar Singh Dhami, flagged off a marathon titled “Thank Modi ji for G-20 in Uttarakhand” in Jogiwala. Dhami expressed gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for bringing three G-20 meetings to the state and stated that India was moving towards becoming a world leader under Modi’s leadership. He emphasized the importance of preserving the environment and promoting cultural heritage. The marathon was organized to showcase the state’s culture and heritage to the world.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami flagged off the “Thank Modi ji for G-20 in Uttarakhand” marathon
– Uttarakhand has successfully organized one G-20 meeting in Ram Nagar and has been selected for two more
– Chief Minister expressed gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for bringing G-20 meetings to Uttarakhand
– Under PM Modi’s leadership, India’s respect and self-respect have increased at the global level
– India has entered the nectar of independence and the coming 25 years are crucial for the country
– Uttarakhand aims to become a leading state of the country
– Environment protection and promotion of cultural heritage are important
– Program Coordinator Subhash Bhatt, District President BJP, Rishikesh Ravindra Rana, and Vice Chancellor Subharti University Prof. Yashvardhan were present at the event.

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