Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has instructed district officers and SSPs to organize multipurpose camps to ensure that the general public of Uttarakhand receives full benefit of the public welfare schemes of the central and state government. He also emphasized the need to prevent corruption and instructed that boards of toll-free number 1064 should be installed in all offices to ensure that any kind of negligence is not tolerated in this matter.
In the first review meeting of the Program Implementation Department at the Secretariat, CM Dhami gave instructions to all the SSPs that pending matters for more than a year should be discussed at the district level and disposed of within 3 months by running a campaign. He also emphasized the need for public representatives and officials to regularly visit the village chaupals.
CM Dhami instructed that action should be taken against public representatives and officers who do not pick up the calls of the general public to address their problems. He also emphasized that action should be taken against officials who do not receive the calls of common people, and if the officials are unable to pick up the phone, they must call back.
CM Dhami urged all District Magistrates to make a complete action plan to solve the areas where water gets filled during the rainy season. He also emphasized that the progress in the districts should be reviewed regularly and reports should be sent on CM’s announcements.
The CM’s instructions aim to ensure that the general public of Uttarakhand receives benefits from various welfare schemes. He also emphasizes the need to prevent corruption and negligence in public offices, ensuring that officials are accountable for their actions.
English Summary: Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has instructed officials to organize multipurpose camps to provide the general public of Uttarakhand with full benefits of public welfare schemes. He has also instructed officials to prevent corruption and ensure accountability in public offices.
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