DelhiDesk The Uttar Pradesh government, led by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, is set to make it mandatory for all schools, colleges, coaching centers, and even coaching centers run at home to arrange fire safety facilities. The proposal will be passed by the cabinet while amending building construction bye-laws and will be based on the existing requirements to reduce incidents. The development authority passes the map on the basis of the arrangement given in the building construction bye-laws. The Housing Department is going to make the provision to ensure that safety standards are followed. A standard operating procedure is also being made and will be sent to all development authorities of the state.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– Uttar Pradesh government to make fire safety mandatory in schools, colleges, and coaching centers
– Proposal to be passed by cabinet while amending building construction bye-laws
– Housing department to make provision for safety standards to be followed and incidents reduced
– Standard operating procedure to be made and sent to all development authorities of the state
– Ladli Laxmi Yojana explained in article
– Development authorities currently follow standards of Public Works Department
– Notification option for latest news alerts at the end of the article

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