DelhiDesk The Uttar Pradesh government, led by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, is planning to make the state a medical hub by building UP’s first pharma park in Lalitpur and setting up the first Medical Device Park in Gautam Buddha Nagar. The government will transfer 1,500 hectares of land in Lalitpur for the Pharma Park and spend INR 1,560 crore to provide necessary facilities to investors and speed up development work. Entrepreneurs setting up units in Pharma Park will be given 100% exemption on stamp duty on land purchases, along with other subsidies. The Yogi government is also setting up a medical device park on 350 acres of land in Gautam Buddha Nagar.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– Uttar Pradesh government plans to make the state a medical hub
– First pharma park to be built in Bundelkhand, UP
– UP’s first Medical Device Park to be set up in Gautam Buddha Nagar
– Pharma Park to be built in Lalitpur district of Bundelkhand
– 1,500 hectare land of Animal Husbandry Department to be transferred for Pharma Park
– Rs 1,560 crore to be spent by the state government for necessary facilities and development work
– Investment proposals worth Rs 16,420 crore received in the manufacturing sector of medical equipment in Global Investors Summit
– Entrepreneurs setting up units in Pharma Park to get 100% exemption on stamp duty on purchase of land
– Capital subsidy, housing construction for workers, and employment generation to be given subsidy by the government
– Yogi government setting up medical device park on 350 acres of land at Yida in Gautam Buddha Nagar
– Plots already allotted to 50 entrepreneurs in the medical device park
– English summary: UP Government plans to build first pharma park in Lalitpur district

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