DelhiDesk The Uttar Pradesh government, led by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, has instructed development authorities to prepare an action plan for building houses in the state. The plan should aim to sell the houses immediately and ensure they are affordable for residents. Construction of houses will be mandatory based on survey results. The government wants to avoid situations where development authorities create their own residential plans, resulting in unsold houses that become dilapidated. The announcement was made during a meeting of high officials at the government level.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– Uttar Pradesh government seeks action plan for building houses in cities
– Development authorities instructed to prepare and make available action plan to government
– Objective is to sell houses immediately and build houses that do not cost much
– Houses should be built based on survey and needs of people
– Construction of houses mandatory only after action plan is prepared
– Labor and Employment Minister emphasizes government’s dedication to workers and laborers
– Priority to make UP child labor free in next five years
– Notification block for latest news alerts
– English summary of article provided at end

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