DelhiDesk The government of Uttar Pradesh, led by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, has made arrangements to provide ample electricity to the people of the state during scorching heat and humidity. Under power banking agreements with Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Jammu and Kashmir, as well as NVVN (NTPC), Uttar Pradesh will receive 304.20 crore units of electricity by September. The state will get extra power in case of emergency, and during winters, the power corporation management had done the work of providing surplus power to these states.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– Uttar Pradesh government led by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has made arrangements to provide adequate electricity to people.
– Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Jammu and Kashmir as well as NVVN (NTPC) will provide extra power in case of emergency.
– Uttar Pradesh will get 304.20 crore units of electricity by September under power banking from these states.
– During winter, the power corporation management had provided surplus power to these states and during summer it will be withdrawn as per requirement.
– Maximum 197 crore units of electricity will be received from Rajasthan under power backing and 46.20 crore units will be available from Karnataka.
– Mahila Samman Savings Certificate scheme has started from today.
– 29.40 crore units will be available from Jammu and Kashmir, 18.90 crore units from NVVN (NTPC) and 6.20 crore units from Tamil Nadu.
– Uttar Pradesh’s first Pharma Park to be built in Lalitpur.
– People of Uttar Pradesh will no longer have to face power crisis due to scorching heat and humidity.
– English summary: Uttar Pradesh government made arrangements to deal with the power crisis.

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