DelhiDesk The Uttar Pradesh government is taking strict measures to ensure the safety of children in schools, issuing guidelines to prevent incidents of physical and mental abuse and sexual harassment. The guidelines, issued on February 23, 2015, apply to all primary, upper primary, composite schools, and Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas in the state. The responsibility of educational institutions to create a safe environment for children is emphasized, with measures such as mandatory verification of bus drivers and helpers, the presence of two teachers in every school bus, and the inclusion of child helpline and police station numbers inside the bus. The government is also focusing on promoting mutual coordination and awareness among children to prevent exploitation.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– The Uttar Pradesh government has become strict regarding the safety of children in schools.
– Guidelines have been issued to prevent incidents of physical and mental abuse and sexual harassment of children.
– The guidelines should be followed in all primary, upper primary, composite schools, and Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas.
– All school staff and members of the school management committee have been ordered to ensure strict compliance with these guidelines.
– The purpose is to protect the safety of children in the state and prevent child crime and unconstitutional acts.
– Measures have been given to make the school premises safe, including a GPRS system in school buses and verification of driver and helper.
– Two teachers should travel with the children to the school by bus.
– Instructions to run a campaign for mutual coordination and awareness among children have also been given.
– The Yogi Adityanath government of UP has once again asked to strictly follow the guidelines.

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