DelhiDesk Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has started development works worth Rs 412 crore in Mainpuri. During the inauguration, he thanked the public for supporting the party in civic elections and highlighted the increase in air connectivity, housing for 54 lakh people, electricity in every village, and pension for 1 crore families in the state. The Chief Minister also unveiled the statue of late Union Minister Madhavrao Scindia in Mainpuri and promised to make the memorial built for him grand and beautiful. He paid tribute to the Scindia family’s contribution to Indian politics and the Ram Janmabhoomi movement.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath started development works worth Rs 412 crore in Mainpuri
– Inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of development projects worth more than 173 crores
– CM Yogi thanked the public for supporting the party in civic elections
– Air connectivity increased in UP in the last 6 years, housing provided to 54 lakh people, electricity provided in every village, and pension given to 1 crore families
– Unveiled the statue of late Union Minister Madhavrao Scindia in Mainpuri, and stated the memorial built for him will be made grand and beautiful
– Madhavrao Scindia made revolutionary reforms in every ministry, started Shatabdi Rail, and always did positive politics
– Scindia family made important contribution to Indian politics, Rajmata Vijaya Raje Scindiaji remembered for contribution to Ram Janmabhoomi movement
– English summary: Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath started development works worth Rs 412 crore in Mainpuri.

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