DelhiDesk Unidentified miscreants allegedly pelted stones at the Vande Bharat Express train in Kerala’s Kannur, just days after its inauguration by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The incident occurred when the train was passing through the Valapattanam area of the district in north Kerala. Railway officials noticed scratches, allegedly due to stone pelting. This is the second such incident against the same train, which runs between Thiruvananthapuram and Kasargod, covering 11 districts. The Vande Bharat Express is a modern train designed to connect many large and small cities throughout India and is made in India, aligning with the Prime Minister’s “Make in India” initiative.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

👉 Unidentified miscreants allegedly pelted stones at Vande Bharat Express train in Kerala’s Kannur

👉 Railway officials noticed scratches, allegedly due to stone pelting

👉 Police have initiated an inquiry and implemented precautionary measures

👉 This is the second such incident against the same Vande Bharat Express train

👉 PM Modi flagged off Kerala’s first Vande Bharat Express train on 25 April

👉 The train runs between Thiruvananthapuram and Kasargod, covering 11 districts

👉 Vande Bharat Express is a modern train designed to connect many cities in India

👉 The government plans to expand the manufacturing facility of the train to multiple locations

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