DelhiDesk A brawl broke out in North-East Delhi’s Seelampur area on Sunday night, during which some boys opened fire. Fortunately, no one was hit by the bullet. The accused fled from the spot after the incident, and the police have registered a case and recovered two kiosks from the area. The police claim to have identified the accused and are conducting raids at various places to apprehend them. According to District Deputy Commissioner of Police Dr. Joy Tirkey, the police received a call about the fight and firing in Seelampur late on Sunday night. During their investigation, the police discovered that some boys were quarreling, and after some time, some boys from one group fired bullets and fled the area. The police team reached the spot after receiving the information, and they are currently searching for the accused. In a separate incident, two accused were arrested for firing outside a house in North-East Delhi’s New Usmanpur area on April 4. The accused revealed during interrogation that they had fired to spread panic and form their gang.
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👉 Some boys opened fire during a brawl in North-East Delhi’s Seelampur area on late Sunday night.
👉 Thankfully, no one was hit by the bullet.
👉 After the incident, the accused fled from the spot.
👉 There was chaos on the spot.
👉 Police reached the spot as soon as the news was received.
👉 A case has been registered after investigation.
👉 The police have recovered two kiosks from the spot.
👉 Police officials claim that the accused have been identified.
👉 Raids are being conducted at various places in search of them.
👉 District Deputy Commissioner of Police Dr. Joy Tirkey gave details of the incident.
👉 The police team reached the spot where some boys were quarrelling.
👉 After some time, some boys of a group fired bullets and ran away from there.
👉 All the accused boys are residents of K-Block and H-Block and search for them is going on.
👉 Two accused have been arrested for firing outside a house in North-East Delhi’s New Usmanpur area on April 4.
👉 The arrested accused have been identified as Washid and Shahdab.
👉 The police have recovered a pistol, a pistol and 10 cartridges from the accused.
👉 Miscreants had fired seven rounds of bullets outside a house in New Usmanpur.
👉 Police registered the case and started the investigation.
👉 During the investigation, six accused were identified.
👉 Two accused were nabbed by the police within 24 hours.
👉 The accused revealed that they had fired to spread panic and form their own gang.
👉 The accused are being questioned by the police.