Delhi: Police arrest three accused in connection with the attack on a police informer on June 3 in Kalindi Kunj area. The accused have been identified as Arif, Shafiq Ali alias Babu Hakla, and Tarun alias Ranjan. The police have recovered three pistols, one pistol with 19 cartridges, one scooty used in the crime, and one lakh five thousand rupees from the accused.
Here are the key points from the investigation:
– Babu Hakla has a business of selling ganja in the area and conspired to get Bablu, who informed the police about his gang and men, murdered.
– Babu Hakla contacted Arif and made a deal in betel nut worth three lakh rupees. One lakh rupees was given in advance.
– Arif and Javed carried out a fatal attack on Bablu on the night of June 3. The bullet hit Bablu’s leg, and he survived the attack.
– Special Commissioner of Crime Branch Ravindra Singh Yadav said that when the accused attacked Bablu at Kalindi Kunj, he was going to his home in Madanpur Khadar by bike. He fell along with the bike. The accused fired 6 bullets at Bablu.
The police have arrested the accused and recovered the weapons and cash involved in the crime. The investigation is ongoing, and the police are working to ensure the safety of the informers.
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