DelhiDesk Tata Technologies, a subsidiary of Tata Motors, is set to launch its initial public offering (IPO) in the stock market soon, with existing shareholders selling around 9.57 crore shares. The IPO is reportedly expected to give multibagger returns to investors, with the grey market indicating a potential GMP (grey market premium) of Rs 582 per share, a more than 200% increase from the speculated issue price of Rs 268 per share. Experts estimate Tata Technologies’ share price on earnings at Rs 12.65, compared to Rs 46.52 per share for Cent. Tata Motors currently holds a 74.69% stake in Tata Technologies.
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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.
π Tata Technologies, a Tata group company, is launching its IPO soon.
π The IPO is being launched after years, making it a significant event.
π Tata Technologies has submitted IPO documents to SEBI.
π The company will sell about 9.571 crore shares through the IPO.
π Tata Motors currently holds a total stake of 74.69 per cent in Tata Technologies.
π The IPO of Tata Technologies is an offer for sale being carried out by existing shareholders.
π Market experts estimate the share price of Tata Technologies on earnings to be Rs 12.65.
π The shares of Tata Technologies are running at a level around Rs.850 in the gray market.
π The upcoming IPO of Tata Technologies is expected to give multibagger returns to investors.
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