HYDERABAD: In a major development ahead of the Telangana assembly elections, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has lifted the suspension of MLA T Raja Singh. This clears the hurdle for announcing his candidature for the Goshamahal assembly seat. Singh was under suspension after his controversial remarks on Prophet, as a counter to the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) government allowing stand-up comic Munawar Faruqui to hold a show in Hyderabad in August 2022.

The Goshamahal MLA had opposed Munawar’s performance, claiming that the comic had insulted Hindu gods. After the suspension from the party, the BRS government put him in detention and he spent nearly three months in jail.

Being the only BJP MLA elected in the 2018 elections, Raja Singh has since gone on a roller coaster ride, expressing his ire over party leaders not doing enough to revoke his suspension. There were other contenders from the seat, with Vikram Goud making a strong pitch to become the saffron party candidate.

Raja Singh at one point had said he would not contest the upcoming polls if the party did not lift his suspension and announce his candidature. Coming from the Lodha community, which has a large presence in the Goshamahal assembly segment in Hyderabad’s old city, Singh was elected twice (2014, 2018) from the same seat.

★The BJP has lifted the suspension of MLA T Raja Singh, allowing him to contest the upcoming Telangana assembly elections.
★Singh was suspended after making controversial remarks on Prophet in response to the BRS government allowing Munawar Faruqui’s show.
★Singh spent three months in jail after the suspension.
★He expressed his frustration over party leaders not revoking his suspension.
★Vikram Goud was another contender for the seat.
★Singh had previously stated that he would not contest the elections if his suspension was not lifted.
★Singh, belonging to the Lodha community, has a strong presence in the Goshamahal assembly segment.

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