DelhiDesk The Supreme Court of India has ruled that the electricity dues of a property’s previous owner will be recovered from the new buyer. The court was hearing a number of petitions on whether the electricity dues of the former landlord could be recovered from the latter. The power distribution company had argued that a new connection may be denied if the previous landlord’s bill is outstanding. The court held that the responsibility of supply of electricity rests with the owner or occupier of the premises, and that the new buyer will have to pay the previous electricity bill.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– The Supreme Court has ruled that new buyers of old houses will have to pay the electricity bill of the previous landlord.
– The responsibility of supply of electricity under Section 43 rests only with the owner or occupier of the premises.
– The Court has held that the condition of payment of dues of the previous consumer to the distribution licensee before resumption of supply of electricity to a premises is valid under the scheme of the 2003 Act.
– The power distribution company had said that the liability for supply of electricity under section 43 of the 2003 Act was not absolute.
– The Court was hearing a number of petitions whether the electricity dues of the former landlord could be recovered from the latter.

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