DelhiDesk Sukesh Chandrashekhar, who is currently in jail for a money laundering case, has written a letter to Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena claiming that he provided funds for Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s bungalow, including furniture and crockery. Sukesh has called for an investigation into the expenses incurred during the construction of Kejriwal’s residence. This letter has sparked controversy amid ongoing discussions about the reconstruction of the Chief Minister’s bungalow.
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– Sukesh Chandrasekhar claims he bought everything from furniture to crockery installed in Arvind Kejriwal’s bungalow
– He has written a letter to Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena from jail, demanding an inquiry into the expenditure incurred on the construction of Kejriwal’s residence
– Sukesh’s letter has fueled controversy amidst the ongoing discussion about the reconstruction of the Chief Minister’s bungalow
– The article includes a picture of Sukesh with a caption stating his allegation on Kejriwal
– The article also mentions that Sukesh is lodged in Mandoli Jail in a money laundering case.