DelhiDesk The Indian stock market saw a strong opening today, with the BSE Sensex opening at 63,020.67 points, up by 518.98 points, and the NSE’s Nifty opening at 18,637.30 points, up by 138.00 points. Of the 2,898 companies that opened for trading on the BSE, 1,805 shares opened with gains and 969 with losses. Today’s top gainers include Mahindra & Mahindra, SBI Life, HDFC, Kotak Mahindra, and Hindalco, while ONGC, Sun Pharma, Devi Labs, Power Grid Corporation, and Cipla were among the top losers. The Sensex consists of 30 BSE companies, while the Nifty is made up of the top 50 companies of the National Stock Exchange.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– BSE Sensex opened at 63020.67 points with a gain of 518.98 points
– NSE’s Nifty opened at 18637.30 points with a gain of 138.00 points
– 2,898 companies opened for trading on BSE today
– 1,805 shares of trading companies opened with gains, 969 with losses, and 124 without any change
– 124 stocks are trading at 52 week high and 25 at 52 week low
– 134 shares have upper circuit and 91 shares have lower circuit
– Top gainers include Mahindra & Mahindra, SBI Life, HDFC, Kotak Mahindra, and Hindalco
– Top losers include ONGC, Sun Pharma, Devi Labs, Power Grid Corporation, and Cipla
– Sensex consists of 30 BSE companies, while Nifty includes top 50 companies of NSE
– To invest in the stock market, one needs to open a demat and trading account with a stockbroker
– Sensex and Nifty saw ups and downs throughout the day, with Sensex closing up by 234 points and Nifty by 111 points.

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