Delhi’s former Deputy Chief Minister, Manish Sisodia, has been granted interim bail for a few hours by the Delhi High Court in the alleged liquor scam case of Delhi. The court has reserved its order on Sisodia’s regular bail application. As per the court’s order, Sisodia will be able to meet his wife in police custody from 10 am to 5 pm today, as his wife is reportedly unwell. However, the court has put certain conditions on Sisodia, such as not talking to the media during the interim bail, not using his mobile and internet, and not speaking to anyone except family. The ED had opposed Sisodia’s interim bail application, citing that they have withdrawn the interim bail application a few days back, and now Sisodia is seeking interim bail on the same grounds.

In the excise policy case, a Delhi court has asked the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to provide copies of documents, including chargesheet and supplementary chargesheet, to Sisodia and three other accused. The other three accused are Hyderabad-based chartered accountant Buchi Babu Gorantla, liquor baron Amandeep Singh Dhal, and private individual Arjun Pandey. The court has fixed July 6 for further proceedings in the matter.

Sisodia, 51, was arrested by the CBI on February 26 in connection with alleged corruption in the formulation and implementation of the Delhi Excise Policy 2021-22. The former Deputy Chief Minister had demanded interim bail of six weeks citing the ill health of his wife, which was opposed by the ED.

The court’s decision has come as a relief for Sisodia, who will now be able to meet his wife for a few hours. However, the court’s conditions may restrict Sisodia’s movements during the interim bail period. The case is being closely watched by many, and the court’s reserved order on Sisodia’s regular bail application is eagerly awaited.

In conclusion, the Delhi High Court has granted interim bail to Manish Sisodia for a few hours to meet his unwell wife, and the court has reserved its order on his regular bail application. The court has put certain conditions on Sisodia during the interim bail period. The excise policy case has taken a new turn with the court asking the CBI to provide copies of documents to Sisodia and three other accused.

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