The government of India has announced its plan to implement a “cashless Haj” system for pilgrims this year. In the past, Haj pilgrims had to deposit a large sum of money with the Haj Committee of India to cover their expenses in Mecca and Medina. However, the State Bank of India will now issue a Forex Card to Haj pilgrims, allowing them to access this money directly without having to carry cash. This move is in line with the Digital India campaign, which aims to provide maximum convenience to citizens and reduce expenses.

The Ministry of Minority Affairs has received a whopping 1.84 lakh applications for Haj this year, with priority given to elderly individuals and women who applied without a mehram. The ministry has approved the selection of 1.4 lakh individuals for the Haj pilgrimage, and those selected will be notified by SMS. The remaining applicants will be informed of their waitlist status via SMS as well.

This year, a total of 1,75,025 people will be going on Haj from India. With the cashless Haj initiative, pilgrims will be able to spend money according to their needs without having to worry about carrying large sums of cash. This move not only makes the pilgrimage more convenient for pilgrims but also ensures greater security and transparency in financial transactions.


All major changes are like this.

– The government of India plans to implement a “cashless Haj” system for pilgrims this year.
– Haj pilgrims previously had to deposit a large sum of money with the Haj Committee of India to cover their expenses in Mecca and Medina.
– The State Bank of India will issue a Forex Card to Haj pilgrims, allowing them to access this money directly without carrying cash.

– This move is in line with the Digital India campaign, which aims to provide maximum convenience to citizens and reduce expenses.
– The Ministry of Minority Affairs received 1.84 lakh applications for Haj this year, with priority given to elderly individuals and women who applied without a mehram.

– The ministry approved the selection of 1.4 lakh individuals for the Haj pilgrimage, and those selected will be notified by SMS.
– The remaining applicants will be informed of their waitlist status via SMS as well.

– A total of 1,75,025 people will be going on Haj from India this year.

– The cashless Haj initiative allows pilgrims to spend money according to their needs without carrying large sums of cash.

– This move ensures greater security and transparency in financial transactions during the pilgrimage.

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