The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has registered victory in the elections held on 250 wards of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi, breaking the cycle of BJP. AAP has shown the way out to the BJP, which has been ruling the MCD for the last 15 years. In the MCD elections, AAP crossed the majority mark and registered a landslide victory on 134 seats. How much do the corporators elected by the people of Delhi for their wards earn? What are their functions in the management of the city?


Salary of Ward councillors Delhi

Actually, the councillors of Delhi get salary in a month. His salary package is around Rs 4.9 lakh per annum. This means that he gets Rs 41,000 as monthly salary. However, they also get many perks. Reportedly they also get a fund of Rs 1 crore for the development of their respective wards. It should be used for carrying out development works, but many councilors are unable to access the funds. Actually, the fund is released only when they start the project.


What is the work of MCD

And the eligibility of the councilor includes domicile, age and education. If he is standing as a candidate, then the person should be in the electoral roll of the ward. With this, the age of that person should be more than 21 years. Also, he should have studied at least up to 10th standard and should be eligible to contest elections in Delhi. The main job of the Delhi MCD councilor is to maintain the system of his wards. They are responsible for local development, cleaning of roads and drains and maintenance of local parks and other public property. They can use the fund for any local public work. These elections are held every five years. On the basis of their performance, the people of the ward elect the corporator.

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