DelhiDesk The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has suddenly put the 2000 rupee note out of circulation, although it will remain legal tender for now. Those who have 2000 rupee notes will have to exchange them by September 30, 2023, and failure to do so may result in problems. The RBI has advised that those with 2000 rupee notes can deposit them in their accounts or exchange them for other notes, with a limit of Rs 20,000 per exchange. Banks have been ordered not to issue 2000 rupee notes to the public from now on. The process of depositing and exchanging 2000 rupee notes will run from May 23 to September 30, 2023.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has put the 2000 rupee note out of circulation
– The note will remain legal tender for now, but those who have it will have to exchange it by September 30, 2023
– Deposits and exchanges can be made at banks from May 23, 2023
– The maximum exchange limit for 2000 rupee notes is set at Rs 20,000
– Banks will no longer issue 2000 rupee notes to the public
– RBI has advised to deposit 2000 rupee notes in bank accounts
– Failure to exchange 2000 rupee notes may result in problems
– The age of Rs 2000 note has been around 7 years since its introduction after demonetisation in November 2016.

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