DelhiDesk On May 19, 2023, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issued an order to withdraw the Rs 2000 note from circulation, and individuals can exchange the note until September 30. The circulation of Rs 2000 notes has been decreasing, and experts believe that the ease of online transactions will prevent any significant impact on the stock market and economy. The stock market mostly runs on online transactions, and the demonetization of the Rs 2000 note is not expected to affect it. Furthermore, the process of exchanging the note is easy, and the RBI has given ample time to make the switch.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– RBI has issued an order to withdraw Rs 2000 notes from circulation.
– People can exchange their Rs 2000 notes till 30 September.
– Rs 2000 notes worth Rs 6.73 lakh crore were in circulation as of March 31, 2018, but it has decreased to 10.8 percent by March 31, 2023.
– Experts believe that the withdrawal of Rs 2000 notes will not have much impact on the market, as online transactions are becoming more common.
– Stock market experts suggest that it should not have much impact, except for some psychological impact.
– The demonetisation of Rs 2000 notes is expected to have no effect on online transactions as most people use online payment facilities on a large scale.
– The circulation of Rs 2000 notes is already low, so this move will not have any impact on the stock market and economy.
– The ease of online transactions will prevent any significant impact from the withdrawal of Rs 2000 notes.

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