Indian Railways has embarked on a new initiative to open unique coach restaurants at several railway stations across the country. This initiative will prominently feature restaurants at four major railway stations in Delhi.

‘Ticket to Taste’ Restaurant: A New Attraction at New Delhi Railway Station

  • Location: Near Ajmeri Gate at the New Delhi Railway Station.
  • Features: The restaurant will have a seating capacity for 48 people, with comfortable sofas provided at each table.


Coach Restaurants to Open at Other Stations Too

  • Other Stations: Plans are in place to open similar restaurants at Old Delhi, Chanakyapuri, and Anand Vihar stations in Delhi.
  • Ministry of Railways Initiative: This initiative aims to establish such unique restaurants nationwide and promote them.


Highlights of the ‘Ticket to Taste’ Restaurant

  • Seating Capacity: Accommodates 48 people comfortably.
  • Delicious Cuisine: Offers a variety of tasty dishes.
  • Decor: The restaurant is attractively decorated for photos and selfies.


This latest initiative by Indian Railways not only provides comfort and pleasure during journeys but also symbolizes the innovation of Indian Railways. Passengers will be able to enjoy a range of delicious dishes at these restaurants, available at very reasonable prices. This initiative is set to enrich the travel experience of passengers.

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