DelhiDesk The Punjab government, led by Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, has introduced an OTS (One Time Settlement) scheme to allow electricity defaulters to pay their outstanding bills in installments with half the interest of the late payment. Under the scheme, consumers whose electricity connections were disconnected due to financial constraints or not being reconnected have three months to pay their bills with only 9% simple interest, compared to the previous 18% charge on late payments. The scheme also allows consumers to pay their bills through four installments in a year. The scheme is especially beneficial for industrial consumers.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– Punjab government offers relief to electricity defaulters
– Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann starts OTS scheme for unpaid bills
– One Time Settlement scheme allows payment with reduced interest
– Industrial consumers given special consideration
– Fixed charges for power cuts eliminated
– Option for bill payment in installments introduced
– English summary provided at the end of the article
– Published on May 27, 2023
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