DelhiDesk The Chief Minister of Punjab, Bhagwant Mann, has directed the Transport Department to clear all pending cases of Driving License (DL) and Registration Certificate (RC) by June 15. He emphasized the need to make these services available to the people in a time-bound manner. CM Mann has also asked officers to ensure that the backlog of RC pending licenses due to technical reasons is cleared by June 15. In addition, he has instructed the company to ensure that the required stock of smart cards is available with them for the coming three months to avoid printing and pending cases in the future. This move is aimed at reducing the problems faced by the common people of the state.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann directs Transport Department to clear backlog of Driving License (DL) and Registration Certificate (RC) by June 15th
– CM stresses need to make these services available to people in a time-bound manner
– Only 29,934 driving licenses were printed on April 8th, which increased to 308,061 on May 29th
– Backlog of printing of licenses reduced from 177,012 on April 8th to 1943 on May 29th
– Record 347,272 RCs printed on May 29th, backlog of RC smart card printing was 56,251 on April 8th
– CM urges company to ensure stock of required smart cards is available for 3 months in future
– CM wants to make land records online
– Story first published on May 31, 2023 at 9:51 [IST]

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