DelhiDesk The Chief Minister of Punjab, Bhagwant Mann, has decided to bring the state’s land records online, according to a news article. The move is aimed at improving tehsils and ensuring the language used is simple Punjabi, making it easier for citizens to read and write records. However, bringing the land records of the entire state online may pose challenges due to discrepancies in government records, such as land being in someone else’s name while in possession of another, and joint families who haven’t transferred land to their individual names. While there is no clear timeline for the project, the Punjab government is focusing on creating new tehsils to improve accessibility.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann plans to bring Punjab’s land records online
– CM Mann held a meeting with concerned officers to improve tehsils in this regard
– Tehsils will use simple Punjabi language to make it easier for citizens to read and write records
– Challenges exist due to discrepancies between government records and actual land ownership, as well as joint families and land transfers
– It is unclear how long it will take for the entire state’s land records to be brought online
– The Mann government is also focusing on creating new tehsils to remove the problem of citizens traveling long distances
– Story was first published on May 30, 2023
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