DelhiDesk Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann announced that 29,237 youths have been given jobs on the basis of merit in various cadres of the Bureau of Investigation in Punjab Police. During an address to a gathering, Mann congratulated the youth for becoming an important part of the government and said that it was necessary to update the police force according to the requirements in the field of investigation, science, and technology to deal with the great challenges before society. The newly appointed 144 hi-tech youth will work behind the scenes to crack down on criminals who commit crimes. Mann had recently closed toll plazas on eight roads, which used to collect tolls of INR 10.12 lakh daily, to stop the loot of the common man at these toll plazas.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann announced that 29,237 youths have been given jobs purely on the basis of merit.
– The Chief Minister handed over appointment letters to 144 youth in various cadres of the Bureau of Investigation in Punjab Police.
– The newly appointed 144 hi-tech youth will work behind the scenes to crack down on criminals who commit crimes.
– CM Mann closed toll plazas on eight roads, which used to collect toll of Rs 10.12 lakh daily.
– These toll plazas were looting people illegally in connivance with the previous governments.
– The CM said that these roads will be brought under the Public Works Department.
– The Chief Minister said that the era of road on rent has come to an end in the state.
– Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann gave jobs to 29237 youths on the basis of merit.

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