BENGALURU: India’s Chandrayaan-3 rover, named Pragyan, is set to roll out onto the lunar surface in the next few hours. This comes after the success of the Chandrayaan-2 mission, which saw the soft-landing of the Vikram lander on the Moon. The landing made India the first country to land a probe in the polar region of the Moon and the fourth country to land anywhere on the lunar surface. After the failure of the previous Chandrayaan-2 mission, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) made several improvements to ensure the success of Chandrayaan-3. These improvements include stronger legs for the lander to withstand higher landing velocities, the addition of more fuel to handle disruptions, and the implementation of a new sensor called the laser doppler velocity metre. ISRO has also improved the software to have more tolerance to failures and has removed the central engine from the lander. The preparations for Chandrayaan-3 have focused on extensive testing, including autonomous flights, helicopter flights, and software simulation tests. With these improvements and preparations, ISRO is optimistic about the success of the Chandrayaan-3 mission.


  • Chandrayaan-3’s Pragyan rover is expected to roll out onto the lunar surface in the next few hours.
  • Chandrayaan-2 successfully soft-landed the Vikram lander on the Moon, making India the first country to land a probe in the polar region and the fourth country to land anywhere on the lunar surface.
  • ISRO has made several improvements to Chandrayaan-3, including stronger legs for the lander, more fuel to handle disruptions, and a new sensor called the laser doppler velocity metre.
  • The software has been improved to have more tolerance to failures, and the central engine has been removed from the lander.
  • Extensive testing has been conducted, including autonomous flights, helicopter flights, and software simulation tests.

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