Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to launch five new Vande Bharat Express trains on June 27, providing a comfortable and modern mode of travel for millions of people across India. The semi-high-speed trains, manufactured by ICF as part of the Make in India policy, will connect cities on various routes, including Goa-Mumbai, Patna-Ranchi, Bhopal-Indore, Bhopal-Jabalpur and Bengaluru-Hubli-Dharwad.
With the addition of these five new trains, the total number of Vande Bharat Express trains running on India’s rail network will be 23. These trains are known for their state-of-the-art facilities, including comfortable seating, advanced security features and superior passenger services. They are designed to operate at semi-high speed, ensuring faster connectivity and reduced travel time between cities.
The introduction of these new Vande Bharat Express trains on additional routes is expected to boost tourism, trade and economic development in the areas they serve. It will also provide a significant boost to the Make in India initiative, as these trains are manufactured domestically, contributing to the growth of the country’s manufacturing sector.
This initiative by Indian Railways shows the commitment of the government to strengthen the railway infrastructure and increase travel options for citizens. It will provide better options for rail passengers, making their journeys more comfortable and convenient.
In summary, the introduction of five new Vande Bharat Express trains is a positive development for India’s rail network, providing modern and comfortable travel options for millions of people across the country. The initiative also supports the Make in India campaign, contributing to the growth of the country’s manufacturing sector.
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