DelhiDesk: On May 29, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will flag off the 17th Vande Bharat Express train through video conferencing. The train will be the first Vande Bharat train of Northeast India and will connect the northeastern states with West Bengal. The train will run from New Jalpaiguri station in Bengal to Guwahati station in Assam, covering the journey in 5 hours 30 minutes and saving about one hour in travel time as compared to the fastest train currently running connecting the two states. The Prime Minister will also dedicate to the nation the newly electrified sections of the 182 kilometer long route and inaugurate the newly constructed DEMU/MEMU shed at Lumding in Assam. West Bengal has already received two Vande Bharat Express trains and the third one will run from Guwahati in Assam to New Jalpaiguri in Bengal.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– People of Bihar and Jharkhand still waiting for Vande Bharat Express
– West Bengal gifted with third Vande Bharat Express, to be flagged off by PM Modi
– 17th Vande Bharat Express will be first to connect Northeast India with West Bengal
– Train will run from New Jalpaiguri station in Bengal to Guwahati station in Assam
– PM Modi to flag off train through video conferencing at 12 noon on May 29th
– Vande Bharat train saves one hour in travel time compared to current fastest train
– Newly electrified sections of 182 km long route to be dedicated to the nation
– Two Vande Bharat Express trains already gifted to West Bengal, running from Howrah to New Jalpaiguri and Kolkata to Puri
– Third Vande Bharat Express to run from Guwahati in Assam to New Jalpaiguri in Bengal

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