The effect of petrol-diesel prices directly affects the pocket of the common man. This is the reason that every day the common man wants to know the prices of petrol and diesel. New rates of petrol and diesel have been released across the country today i.e. on 8th December. The rate of petrol in the capital Delhi is Rs 95.41 per litre. So the rate of diesel is Rs 86.67 a litre.


New rate of petrol in Delhi

Where yesterday the rate of petrol in Delhi was Rs 96.72 per liter on December 7, today the rate of petrol is Rs 95.41 per litre. This news is definitely going to give some relief. The rate of diesel on December 7 was Rs 89.62 a litre. Today the rate of diesel is Rs.86.67 per litre. Petrol-diesel prices have been cut. This will reduce some weight on the common man’s pocket. The price of petrol and diesel where remained stable for the last several days. It has been cut suddenly.


State governments impose VAT on fuel prices accordingly, so the prices of petrol and diesel vary from state to state. Indian oil companies update the prices of petrol and diesel every morning at 6 am keeping in mind the rates of the international oil market.


How can you know the price of petrol and diesel

On the basis of crude oil in the international market, oil marketing companies fix the prices of petrol and diesel daily after reviewing the prices. You can know the price of petrol and diesel in your city daily through an SMS. For this, the customers of Indian Oil (IOCL) will have to send the RSP code to the number 9224992249.
On the other hand, if we talk about the financial capital of the country, Mumbai, then today the rate of petrol there is Rs 106.31 a liter and the rate of diesel is Rs 94.27 a litre.

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