Patanjali Group, led by Baba Ramdev, has announced its ambitious plan to increase its business to one lakh crore rupees in the next five years. The group aims to reach every consumer group to achieve this goal. Patanjali Foods, formerly known as Ruchi Soya, will play a vital role in achieving this target, with a turnover target of Rs 45,000-50,000 crore in the next five years.
The Patanjali Group has set its target to take the business to one lakh crore rupees in the next five years. Apart from this, the group also intends to take the business of its listed company Patanjali Foods to Rs 50,000 crore. Baba Ramdev said that the business of Patanjali Group has already reached around Rs 45,000 crore and has left many multinational companies behind.
To expand its reach, the group will launch affordable products through Patanjali Ayurveda and Patanjali Foods, keeping in mind the emerging upper-middle class. The group already has a reach of about two billion people in approximately 200 countries worldwide.
The Patanjali Foods Limited launched several new products, including nutraceuticals, health biscuits, nutrela millet-based products, and premium dry fruits. Additionally, the group launched Nutrela Sports for people involved in sports, including sports drinks, vitamins, and mineral supplements.
Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali Group is known for its affordable and natural products, which have gained immense popularity in recent years. With its ambitious expansion plans, the group aims to become a leading player in the Indian business market.
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