DelhiDesk The National Investigation Agency (NIA) is conducting raids in six states of India against miscreants, drug smugglers, and gangsters involved in terrorist activities. The NIA has raided 18 places in Rajasthan-Haryana and other cities including Jaipur, Churu, Alwar, Hanumangarh, and Sriganganagar. The NIA is also conducting raids in Delhi-NCR, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Punjab. The NIA is targeting the Lawrence Bishnoi gang members and miscreants involved in terrorist activities. The NIA has recovered illegal weapons in large quantities, and more than 100 places have been raided.
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– The National Investigation Agency (NIA) is conducting large-scale raids in six states of the country on Wednesday morning.
– NIA team is carrying out a major operation against the nexus of miscreants, drug smugglers, gangsters involved in terrorist activities.
– The NI team has raided 18 places in Rajasthan-Haryana.
– In Rajasthan, the action of the NIA team is going on in other cities including Jaipur, Churu, Alwar, Hanumangarh, Sriganganagar.
– Besides this, raids are underway in Delhi-NCR, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Punjab.
– Raids were also conducted on the bases of Lawrence Bishnoi gang members and miscreants involved in terrorist activities.
– According to sources, the NIA also raided the hideouts of gangster Lawrence Bishnoi gang members.
– Also raided the hideouts of other gangsters.
– Raids have also been conducted at the places of gangster’s helpers and other accomplices.
– Crooks associated with organizations involved in some terrorist activities are also on the radar of NIA.
– Information has been received that NIA has raided 32 places in Delhi-NCR.
– In Punjab-Chandigarh – 67 places, in Uttar Pradesh, raids have been conducted at three places in Pratapgarh, Bareilly and Lakhimpur.
– NIA is conducting raids at two places in Madhya Pradesh.
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