DelhiDesk Olectra Greentech, a company that manufactures electric and hydrogen buses, has given strong returns to its investors, with its shares reaching Rs 695.30 from Rs 10 in the last ten years. The company recently unveiled its first hydrogen bus in partnership with Reliance Industries and has received an order worth Rs 1,000 crore to supply 550 pure electric buses to Telangana State Road Transport Corporation. The stock has given investors a 6853% return in the last ten years and a 357.58% return in the last five years.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– Olectra Greentech manufactures electric and hydrogen buses
– The company’s stock has given strong returns to its investors
– Shares of Olectra Greentech closed at Rs 695.30 on May 26, 2023
– The stock has given a 6853 percent return to its investors in the last 10 years
– Investing Rs 1 lakh in the company’s shares 10 years ago would have yielded Rs 69.53 lakh now
– The stock has given a 357.58 percent return to its investors in the last 5 years
– Olectra Greentech has recently received an order to supply 550 pure electric buses worth Rs 1,000 crore
– The company’s 52-week high level is Rs 743.50 and the low level is Rs 374.35
– The article includes links to related news stories and a video
– The article was first published on May 27, 2023.

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