Ola, India’s leading ride-hailing platform, has come up with a new feature called Ola Prime Plus that promises to eliminate the hassle of repeated booking cancellations faced by passengers. The new premium service is currently being tested in Bengaluru, and customers can enjoy benefits such as ‘Top Driver’ and ‘No Cancellation.’ The service will allow passengers to book a ride without worrying about the driver cancelling the booking.

The app-based company is testing the service and keen to get customer feedback before rolling it out across the country. Ola co-founder and CEO Bhavish Agarwal announced the service on Twitter, saying, “This Prime Plus Best Driver, Top Car, will eliminate cancellation or operational issues. It is being launched today in Bangalore. You try it.”

The Prime Plus option will appear at the time of car selection in booking, and the fare for this service is expected to be lower than the Ola Mini. The screenshot provided by Agarwal shows that the fare for Ola Mini is Rs 535, while the fare for Ola Prime Plus is Rs 455 for the same destination. If this is true, it will be a significant cost-saving for customers.

The new feature is expected to make Ola a preferred choice for customers who want a reliable and hassle-free ride-hailing experience. The company is constantly innovating and introducing new features to enhance customer experience, and the Ola Prime Plus is a step in that direction.

In conclusion, the new Ola Prime Plus feature promises to provide customers with a hassle-free ride-hailing experience by eliminating the issue of booking cancellations. The service is currently being tested in Bengaluru and is expected to roll out across the country soon after receiving customer feedback. The reduced fare for the new service is expected to attract more customers to Ola.

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