Noida, a city in Uttar Pradesh, is set to undergo beautification in various parts, including Sector-18, following the example of Bengaluru. A team from the Noida Authority recently visited Bengaluru to study their successful garbage disposal system and theme-based parks. The team will compile a report on the functioning of the Municipal Corporation in Bengaluru and use it as a blueprint for similar developments in Noida.
Sector-18, known as the Mini Connaught Place of Noida, is the city’s largest commercial center with numerous shops, offices, malls, restaurants, showrooms, and banks. The Noida Authority is now gearing up to enhance its aesthetic appeal. The team from the authority will assess the commercial markets of Bengaluru and meet with officials to analyze their successful projects. Upon their return, a comprehensive report will be prepared and presented to the CEO, based on which beautification and development work will be initiated in Sector-18.
The team, led by OSD Vandana Tripathi of the Horticulture Department, General Manager PK Kaushik, Deputy Director of the Horticulture Department Anand Mohan, Project Engineer of the Health Department Gaurav Bansal, and other officers, will also focus on the maintenance, development, and theme-based park in Bengaluru. The team will examine the city’s beautification arrangements, waste management practices, and park maintenance. CEO Dr. Lokesh M, who was previously based in Bengaluru, is well aware of the city’s efficient systems. Noida Authority had previously sent a team to Indore to study their cleanliness system.
Implementation of Integrated Finance Management System
In addition to the beautification project, the Finance Department of Noida Authority has dispatched a team to study the implementation of the Integrated Finance Management System (IFMS) in Bengaluru. This system enables online bill payment and provides easy tracking of financial transactions. Noida Authority is considering adopting this system to streamline financial operations.
Efficient Project Monitoring Process
Bengaluru is known for its effective project monitoring process. To gain insights into the implementation of IFMS, Project Monitoring System, Property Tax Software, and the Know Your Street App, Padam Singh, Manager of the Computer Cell of Noida Authority, has been sent to gather information.
- Noida Authority is planning to beautify Sector-18 and other parts of the city based on the successful models in Bengaluru.
- A team from Noida Authority visited Bengaluru to study the garbage disposal system and theme-based parks.
- A report will be prepared based on the functioning of the Municipal Corporation in Bengaluru and will guide the beautification projects in Noida.
- Sector-18 is the largest commercial center in Noida and will undergo enhanced beautification.
- The team also visited Bengaluru to study the maintenance and development of theme-based parks.
- The Finance Department team is exploring the implementation of the Integrated Finance Management System in Noida.
- Bengaluru’s project monitoring process is considered efficient, and Noida Authority aims to learn from it.
- Padam Singh from Noida Authority’s Computer Cell is gathering information on various systems implemented in Bengaluru.
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