The Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), a flagship scheme launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, aims to strengthen the financial inclusion of every citizen in the country. Initiated on August 28, 2014, the scheme facilitates opening zero balance accounts with various benefits for account holders.

Features of the PM Jan Dhan Account

  1. Zero Balance Account: The PMJDY allows opening of zero balance accounts.
  2. Facilities Provided: Account holders receive a chequebook, passbook, and an overdraft facility.
  3. Overdraft Facility: Even if the account has no balance, the account holder can withdraw money, thanks to the overdraft feature.
  4. No Minimum Balance Requirement: Being a zero balance account, it does not require maintaining a minimum balance.
  5. Direct Benefit: Beneficiaries gain direct access to government schemes, savings accounts, insurance, and pension plans.


How to Open a PM Jan-Dhan Account

Opening a PM Jan-Dhan account is straightforward. You need to visit the nearest bank with identification documents such as Aadhaar Card, PAN Card, Passport, Voter ID, Driving License, and a residential proof certificate. Two passport-size photographs are also needed. After filling out the application form with accurate information, submit it at the bank counter. Upon activation, the bank will provide a passbook and a debit card without any charges. The minimum age for opening an account is 10 years. Existing savings accounts can also be converted to Jan Dhan accounts.


Benefits of the Jan Dhan Account

  • ATM Card and Insurance: Account holders receive an ATM card along with accidental insurance of up to two lakh rupees.
  • Life Cover: A life cover of 30,000 rupees is also provided.
  • Interest on Savings: Interest is earned on the deposited amount, similar to regular savings bank accounts.


  • Overdraft Facility: Account holders are eligible for an overdraft of up to 10,000 rupees. Initially, only 2,000 rupees are available as overdraft.
  • Free Insurance Schemes: Account holders are eligible for free life insurance (PMJJBY) and corporate life insurance (PMSBY).
  • Passbook Facility: A passbook is provided, detailing all transactions related to the account.
  • Direct Benefit of Government Schemes: Beneficiaries receive the advantages of various government schemes directly into their accounts.

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