DelhiDesk Nitish Rana’s wife was molested in Delhi while she was on her way home from office in a car. Two accused followed and stalked her, while making obscene gestures. A complaint was lodged at Kirti Nagar Police Station in Delhi, and both accused were arrested. The victim had put a video on her Instagram account regarding the case, in which the accused are also seen hitting her car with a bike and threatening to kill by showing a stick. The police registered a case of molestation and death threats, and the accused are being questioned and investigated.
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👉 Kolkata Knight Riders captain Nitish Rana’s wife was molested in Delhi.
👉 Two accused followed and stalked her while she was on her way home from office in a car.
👉 The accused made obscene gestures and chased her car from their bike.
👉 A complaint was lodged at Kirti Nagar Police Station and two people were arrested.
👉 An FIR has been registered against the accused who molested Nitish Rana’s wife.
👉 The accused were identified as Chaitanya Shivam and Vivek, both 18 years old.
👉 The victim shared a video on Instagram about the incident.
👉 The victim accused the police of negligence in the investigation.
👉 The Kirti Nagar police station registered a case of molestation and threatening to kill.
👉 The accused were arrested from Patel Nagar area and are being questioned and investigated.