DelhiDesk Nitish Rana’s wife, Sachi Marwah, was allegedly molested and threatened to be killed by two boys in the Kirti Nagar area. The incident occurred when she was on her way home from work in a car. The victim uploaded a video on her Instagram account, showing the accused chasing her car, making obscene gestures, and hitting their bike against her car. The Kirti Nagar police station registered a case of molestation and death threats after receiving a complaint through email.

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👉 Accused chasing Nitish Rana’s wife
👉 A case of molestation with the wife of IPL’s Kolkata Knight Riders player has come to light in Kirti Nagar area.
👉 The victim has uploaded a video on her Instagram account, in which two boys are seen chasing her car.
👉 The accused were continuously making obscene gestures and hitting their car with the bike.
👉 The accused were also threatening to kill by showing a stick.
👉 Kirti Nagar police station registered a case of molestation and death threats after receiving the complaint through e-mail.