DelhiDesk The new Parliament House in India was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on May 28, 2023. The building, which was built by Tata Projects Limited and designed by HCP, cost approximately 1,200 crore rupees and took less than three years to complete. The Lok Sabha chamber can seat 888 members and the Rajya Sabha chamber can seat 384 members, with a total capacity of 1,280 members when both Houses sit jointly. The building is spread over 64,500 square meters and has separate entrances for VIPs, MPs, and visitors. The historic scepter ‘Sengol’ has been installed near the seat of the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, and the Lok Sabha chamber has been built on the theme of the national bird peacock while the Rajya Sabha room has been built on the theme of the national flower lotus.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the new Parliament House on 28 May 2023
– The new parliament is different from the old parliament building in many ways
– The new Parliament House has been built by Tata Projects Limited
– About 1 thousand 200 crore rupees have been spent in the construction of the new building
– The Lok Sabha chamber of the new building can seat 888 members and the Rajya Sabha chamber can seat 384 members
– This building has been completed in less than 3 years and is spread over 64 thousand 500 square meters
– The historic scepter \’Sengol\’ has been installed near the seat of the Speaker of the Lok Sabha in the new Parliament
– The Lok Sabha chamber has been built on the theme of the national bird peacock and the Rajya Sabha room on the theme of the national flower lotus

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