DelhiDesk The Indian government is preparing to establish eight new cities in the country, following a recommendation from the 15th Finance Commission. The aim is to prevent existing cities from becoming overburdened and to meet the needs of citizens. The government is currently considering proposals for the location of the new cities and the timeline for their development. The financial roadmap for setting up the new cities has not yet been finalised, but the central government is expected to play a major role in the project. The director of the G20 unit of the Union Housing and Urban Affairs Department believes that social and economic activities will increase in a radius of at least 200km when a new city develops.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– Modi government preparing to establish 8 new cities in India
– Recommendation made by 15th Finance Commission to prevent worsening condition of old cities
– States sent proposals for 26 new cities, but only 8 being considered for development
– Government to soon announce locations and timeline for development
– Existing cities not meeting needs of citizens, haphazard expansion affecting basic planning
– New cities to increase social and economic activities in radius of at least 200 kms
– Financial roadmap not finalised, but central government to play major role
– Location of new cities to be selected based on several factors.

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