India is set to witness a groundbreaking moment in its transportation history as Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to inaugurate the country’s first underwater metro tunnel in Kolkata. This remarkable engineering feat represents the first time a metro project in India will operate under a river, specifically the Hooghly River, as part of the East-West Metro Corridor.

Key Highlights:

  • Innovative Engineering: Spanning 4.8 kilometers, this crucial segment of the East-West Metro Corridor marks a significant milestone in Indian metro projects, showcasing exceptional engineering to build a tunnel under the Hooghly River.


  • Deep-Set Metro Stations: Among the corridor’s stations, the Howrah Metro Station stands out as India’s deepest metro station, adding to the project’s list of achievements.


  • Enhanced Connectivity: The underwater metro rail will connect Kolkata with Howrah, significantly improving transit times and providing a fast, efficient link between key locations.


  • Advanced Technology: Equipped with an Automatic Train Operation system, the metro ensures high efficiency and safety, with the train operator simply initiating the journey at the touch of a button.
  • Ambitious Timeline: Kolkata Metro aims to commence full operations along the entire East-West route, connecting Salt Lake Sector V to Howrah Maidan, by June.

Milestones and Innovations:

  • The project began tunneling under the Hooghly River in 2017, with the work on the East-West Metro Corridor starting back in 2009.


  • A significant achievement was marked in April 2023 when the metro’s rake traveled under the river through the tunnel for the first time, setting a precedent in Indian metro history.


  • The project includes six stations, three of which are underground, designed to expedite commuter travel across the city.

Future Implications:

This monumental project not only represents a technical marvel but also sets a new benchmark for urban transportation in India. It promises to ease the commute, reduce traffic congestion, and contribute to the economic development of the region.

The Kolkata underwater metro project is a testament to India’s growing prowess in implementing large-scale, technologically advanced infrastructure projects that cater to the urban mobility needs of its growing population.

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