Arjun Ram Meghwal, Union Minister of State, recently highlighted the achievements of the Modi government in Delhi, stating that every scheme was implemented with speed and scale, reaching the last person in the country. He compared the work done by the Congress government to that of the Modi government over the last 9 years, pointing out the difference in welfare, good governance, and service.
Meghwal also mentioned the initiatives taken by the Modi government, including building 11.50 crore respect houses, providing more than 4 crore pucca houses through the Prime Minister’s residence, depositing 5 thousand rupees in women’s accounts, and providing 12 crore tap water connections. He emphasized that these schemes have benefited many people across the country.
Virendra Sachdeva, State BJP President, expressed that all BJP MPs in Delhi are working to convey the glory of the Prime Minister and the achievements of 9 years of development to the people of Delhi. Ramveer Singh Bidhuri, on the other hand, expressed his gratitude to the Prime Minister for providing Rs 1.5 lakh crore for the development of Delhi in the last one year.
The Modi government’s efforts to provide welfare, good governance, and service have been appreciated by many, and their schemes have reached the last person in the country. With the implementation of these initiatives, the government has been successful in bringing about a positive change in the lives of many people.
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