DelhiDesk Maruti Suzuki has changed the venue for its Jimny Media Drive from Ladakh to Dehradun after facing criticism for shooting an advertisement for the upcoming SUV in Ladakh. The advertisement featured the Jimny running in a small lake in the middle of the mountains and was opposed by the local MP, who demanded legal action against Maruti. The BJP MP from Ladakh, Jamyang Tsering Namgyal, had criticized Maruti Suzuki for destroying fragile ecosystems for commercial gain. The Jimny is expected to be launched in the second week of May and is powered by a four-cylinder, 1.5-litre K-Series petrol engine mated to a five-speed manual transmission and Suzuki’s 4×4 AllGrip drive system.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

👉 Maruti Suzuki Jimny Media Drive shifted from Ladakh to Dehradun
👉 Venue change due to heavy criticism of advertisement shot in Ladakh
👉 BJP MP Jamyang Tsering Namgyal reprimanded Maruti Suzuki on Twitter
👉 Maruti Suzuki forced to change location of Jimny Media Drive
👉 Jimny SUV expected to launch in second week of May
👉 Powered by 1.5-litre K-Series petrol engine and Suzuki’s 4×4 AllGrip drive system

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