DelhiDesk Gold prices rose by Rs 670 to reach Rs 60,750 per 10 grams in the bullion market of Delhi, while silver also saw an increase in price. The National Company Law Tribunal will hear the insolvency resolution petition of GoFirst on May 4. The Sensex and Nifty both closed in the red, with Adani Wilmar’s Q4 profit declining by 60 percent. The services sector in India saw growth reach a 13-year high in April, while many large banks in the country have loans tied up with GoFirst. The rupee opened strong at 81.75 per dollar, and SEBI has given Tata Play the green signal for an IPO. Selling in IT and banking stocks was seen, and new rates of petrol and diesel have been released amidst a softening of crude oil prices.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

👉 Gold rises by Rs 670 amid strong signals from global markets, silver also shines
👉 NCLT to hear GoFirst’s insolvency resolution plea on May 4
👉 Sensex lost 161.41 points, Nifty closed around 18080
👉 Adani Wilmar’s Q4 profit down 60 percent at Rs 93.61 crore
👉 Go First CEO said – trying to deal with the situation, worried for the employees
👉 Liquor company Jagatjeet Industries to set up grain based ethanol plant in Punjab
👉 Services sector growth in India at nearly 13-year high in April: Survey
👉 Debt of many big banks of the country on Go First, news of bankruptcy stirred the stock market
👉 Sensex breaks 330 points in early trade, Nifty also in loss
👉 Rupee gains 12 paise at 81.75 per dollar in early trade
👉 IPO of Tata’s company coming after 18 years
👉 Selling in IT and banking stocks
👉 New rates of petrol and diesel released amidst softening of crude oil

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