DelhiDesk The Kerala High Court has rejected a demand for a ban on a film that depicts Hindu ascetics as smugglers or rapists. The court stated that there are many similar films, but none have been banned.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

👉 The Kerala High Court rejected the demand for a ban on the film.
👉 The court made several comments on the issue.
👉 The court stated that there are many films portraying Hindu ascetics as smugglers or rapists.
👉 However, such films were not banned.
👉 The court did not find sufficient grounds for a ban on the film.
👉 The court’s decision was based on the principle of freedom of expression.
👉 The court emphasized the need for tolerance and respect for diverse opinions.
👉 The court’s decision was welcomed by the filmmakers and supporters of artistic freedom.

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