Manish Sisodia, former Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi, has been granted interim relief by a court to meet his ailing wife who has been admitted to the hospital. The court has imposed certain conditions on Sisodia during the interim bail, which includes not talking to the media, refraining from using mobile and internet, and only meeting family members. The bail is granted only for a few hours.
Here are the details of the case:
Health of Sisodia’s wife deteriorated:
The health of Manish Sisodia’s wife has deteriorated, and she has been admitted to the hospital. Sisodia was granted interim bail to meet his wife in police custody.
Conditions imposed on Sisodia:
The court has put several conditions on Sisodia during the interim bail. He is not allowed to talk to the media or anyone other than his family members. He is also not allowed to use mobile and internet.
ED opposed the interim bail:
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) had opposed Sisodia’s interim bail application. The investigating agency had said that they had withdrawn the interim bail application a few days ago, and Sisodia is seeking bail again on the same grounds.
Sisodia demanded 6 weeks of interim bail:
Sisodia had demanded interim bail for six weeks, citing the ill health of his wife. However, the ED opposed the application, and the court granted interim bail for only a few hours.
In conclusion, the court has granted interim relief to Manish Sisodia to meet his ailing wife. However, he has to abide by certain conditions during the interim bail, which includes not talking to the media and refraining from using mobile and internet.
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